Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dead Space 3 [Review/Thoughts]

Writing for my blog has been difficult, due to personal issues/school crunch time... However, I have a little time today, so I wanted to write my post about Dead Space 3, since this post is a little overdue. This post is potentially full of spoilers, and I do not recommend reading it if you are concerned. 

Let me start off by explaining what spurred my interest in the Dead Space franchise. Two years ago (jeez!) when I had first started seeing my boyfriend, he expressed his interest in the series. I was a little wary; the only time I have touched these games is when I played the original Dead Space demo on the PS3 way back before it was first released... And that alone kept me well away from the games.
With this in mind, he asked me to play the second game with him instead. I tried to wiggle my way out of this one for about a week, but he always rebutted that I loved The Walking Dead (which is horrific and gory in it's own way), so I should have no problem with Dead Space 2. Wanting to impress this guy (hey, it's worked out so far!) and now feeling challenged, I took up his suggestion of playing the game.

And the entire 8h that it took for me to complete the game were the most terrifying 8h I'll never get back. But it was so worth it! After we got together, and about a year into our relationship, we ended up playing the first one (together, this time; not just me running around wildly screaming and swearing), and I found myself falling more and more in love with this twisted franchise.

Anyway, now that I've provided context into this, considering DS is completely out of my comfort zone, onto Dead Space 3!

I purchased the game for us, and we excitedly started it up on his 360. We're introduced to Isaac in his slummy apartment he once shared with Ellie. This saddened me; I was hoping they would stick it out but reading his journal article about their problems made me understand. Anyway, throughout the beginning, I asked questions from my boyfriend as we navigated our way through the city and eventually out of it. I had already taken a liking to Carver, but not so much the other companion we had to deal with (I had a really, really bad feeling about him, so I guess that made him a little predictable for me).
Anyway, we played through a large chunk of the game, and we felt that a lot of the horror factor had been removed... But that didn't stop me from screaming and jumping during select parts.

However, when I think about it: Isaac has seem some pretty messed up stuff. We're playing as Isaac Clarke, and I think that's something some players forget! He's not scared any more; he just wants all this Marker business to be over and done with so he can just try living again. That's why I tend to have little issue with "the game has become too action-based" (see: Resident Evil 5/6 (which I have not played, only up to 5, Dead Space 3, etc) as ... we have to remember, we're not ourselves - we're Isaac. But, I guess it's best to remember a lot of players don't become that character, so I can also see both sides of this.

My one gripe with Dead Space 3, however, was the end, and the aliens. When you have to run around constructing the Alien in the lab for Ellie. Like... I don't know how to explain it really. I just felt like I had been slapped in the face. Literally up until the last couple of chapters, my boyfriend and I loved Dead Space 3. It had just the right amount of horror we thought it would have, and we really felt like Isaac just wanted to get it over with, and move on with his life. 

What I've come to understand, though, is in multiplayer Carver is actually seeing hallucinations of his son. :( Biggest sadface ever, and I wish DS3 allowed local multiplayer so I could have seen this. Also, I've heard that the new DLC for the game that happens after the big ending is incredible. But because I haven't played it yet (will be making a post when I do play it!), my little rating system doesn't include it, or multiplayer.

So, because I wanted to try a rating system now with games:

Horror Factor: ★★★.5☆☆
Dead Space 3 really isn't as scary as it could be, but there are definitely parts where you will jump or forget if you killed that body, or if it's just waiting for you... I took the lack of horror with a grain of salt; Isaac has already had some closure from Nicole and other things, and now just wants to put the last nail in the coffin. Points deducted because it's marketed as a Horror game, and should be more action-based... also, there's only so many times you can freak us out by having bridges break under us, things fall, etc. It got really boring after the third or fourth fall out.

Story: ★★★★☆
I really enjoyed the story, personally. I deducted a star for the ending, because I felt like it was completely underwhelming and took away from Isaac's story but overall, I enjoyed learning more about the Markers, and sharing Isaac's increasing frustration throughout the game.I also thought it was interesting how you could build and customize your guns as you went along.

Game play: ★★★★☆
I felt the game was fairly close to the original two Dead Space games, but I deducted a mark because of all the glitches we encountered, which overall took away from the story and horror as well. Also, do they keep you well stocked on ammo... sheesh.
There is a lot of fetch this, do this, do that quests, but I found that this aligned with the other games (something's wrong, go fix it, go back, rinse repeat).

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

I do recommend the game to players who are sceptical about it. Playing the story and learning about the origin of the Markers is intriguing, and I just really feel like it brings Isaac's experience together. If you can get past the fact that the game is not as scary as the first two, you will find it is quite enjoyable. Overall, good game! Can't wait to play the DLC, though. :3