Thursday, August 30, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition!

I have been so immersed in Guild Wars 2 since Friday's headstart that everything else has been forgotten. Here are the pictures of my GW2 CE Statue of Rytlock and Map of Tyria!♥

Inside, I had a few prints and a picture frame (not pictured; I didn't feel like I should take pictures of them and post them on here). But there is so much detail and thought in every aspect of this edition. I am so, so pleased and so happy.

In a little bit, I'll make a post about how the game has been so far. ♥ If anyone is playing on Darkhaven, message Nova Arterius! I'm playing with my guild, Requiem of Valkyria [VALK]

♥ until next time... I'm kind of lost in Tyria at the moment. ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

it's almost here...!

Guild Wars 2 is upon us...!! I'm so excited. They keep doing stress tests and I've just been logging on to get an idea of what I want all my characters to look like.. So far, the only problem I'm having is if I want my Engineer to have silver or platinum blonde hair.

Here's some screenshots of what I've been doing~

My Sylvari Necromancer~ I'll be soloing with her in my spare time / when I feel like taking a break from my main character. 

My main, an Engineer! I can't decide if I want her to be silver or blonde...! Gah! First world gamer problems lol.

My elementalist. Also something I'm doing in my spare time. I'm just going to make her right at launch, though. so I don't have to worry about her name being taken ><

Finally, my PVP Thief. I was originally making her as my main, but I decided to be adventurous and do something I don't normally do!

Gah, I can't wait to get the ball rolling! Only a day now!! Can't wait to do an unboxing of my collector's edition~ ♥

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Diablo 3: Paragon System

Blizzard announced their "Paragon System" as a part of p1.0.4. This is incredible news. Not only did they make my Demon Hunter much beefier in terms of her DPS/Hatred Generation and all that jazz (After they so ungraciously destroyed her in p.1.0.3), but now they're adding this new system!

I actually think this is what I needed to get back into  Diablo 3. Granted, I don't know how I'm going to have time to play it, what with the amazing game lineup Q4 I'm looking forward to (And GW2. I could remind this blog all day about how excited I am for that)... but I think this will be a great opportunity to do something more linear and grinding when I don't want to spend the extra 90 or 180 minutes getting a level or two in GW2. Also, how neat is that? It shouldn't take more than 90min for you to level in Tyria. I'm pretty stoked, considering I hate those last little legs of grinding.
See: My level 55 Demon Hunter in D3... ( ¬д¬。)

In other news, the EB Games where I make and pick up my preorders/games/accessories hasn't got the OK from the mall to do a midnight release for GW2... I really want my Charr statue haha. ;__; I can't wait to spam my blog with unboxing pics!

Hopefully I can share good news soon! If I can't pick it up at midnight, I'm definitely going first thing in the morning.

until next time~

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

diablo 3 thoughts

Blizzard has been making a lot of posts about their new patch, p 1.0.4, which will change a lot of things people have been whining about for a while now - including changes they made in p. 1.0.3!

I loved Diablo 3. I loved it A LOT. My boyfriend and I installed it on the same day, and the next day we were up at 11am and played all the way until 9pm, and then the day after that we played from 12pm till 6pm, which is when we finished it. We roared through Nightmare, and we started Hell and then we realized... we were kind of bored. We took up new characters with a friend of ours, and in that time, I bought a little Diablo head keychain  and struggled to keep up with the Wizard (my main is a Demon Hunter) and by the time I got the hang of it, they were bored. They started taking a break, but I continued to play, eager to prove my boredom was nothing. I started a Monk on my own, and with some help with a friend who had three level 60 characters, I power leveled her to her thirties in no time. In less than two days (which is a short amount of time considering I worry about work and school).

But still, it bothered me that I couldn't complete Hell mode and get my DH to level 60 (she's trapped at 55). I was sick of paying thousands and thousands for armour repair and too many seconds for respawn times. I felt like p 1.0.3 didn't fix game problems - it made them harder for me. Mobs were way too strong for my DH and my bf's Witch Doctor to drive though, and we didn't party with anyone else because either no one was at our level, or like us, no one else wanted to play.

my demon hunter q_q
Patch 1.0.3 wasn't live for very long until Blizzard had to throw in a quick patch. Mobs weren't stronger with extra people, they  just had more life. And still, this didn't help. Somehow, we were still being mowed over. Even with a DPS of 9k, I was having problems. I had high level items that I was borrowing from my friends with maxed out DPS DH characters that weren't cutting mobs like butter like I had hoped. Maybe it was my lack of motivation.

And now, after it's been months since I've last played D3, Blizzard up and throws in the towel. They recognized their mistakes. Mobs are being toned down, repair prices are dropping, and Legendary items (I have four of these) are changing dramatically.

I'm really enthused by these changes... But I'm not sure if they'll get me into the groove again. Hopefully we'll get to see more changes down the road, and I'll be willing to pick up this fantastic dungeon crawler again.

Edit: I didn't realize they were making dramatic class changes as well. I'm very, very okay with this. fingers crossed!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Introducing the Worlds of Guild Wars 2 |

Introducing the Worlds of Guild Wars 2 |

ah, the list I've been waiting for! =3=~~ I wonder what server my friends and I will be playing? ~

gamescom announcements!

Alright, so I was super stoked to hear that PSone Classics are coming to the Vita on 08/28!!! I've been holding off on playing the older Final Fantasy series, waiting and wishing this announcement would come... and it's finally here! Ahhh! FFVII is part of the first games to be rolled out as well *(*´∀`*)☆ ahhh it's going to be great!

Although I didn't personally get to watch the conference, I was kept fully up to date by my friend & through twitter! New footage of The Last of Us was shown (CAN'T WAIT!!) and Capcom's new IP Remember Me looks totally badass! I'm definitely picking both of them up next year. 

Capcom's Remember Me
Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us
Also, I can't wait till Playstation All-Stars is released; as a Vita owner, it's nice knowing I'll get both copies for the price of one! Also, less than a week ago, the Playstation blog made a post about Ragnarok Odyssey. I played Ragnarok Online for YEARS (and I even run an RO-related tumblr ♥) and I have original characters I made from that world and just, ugh. I love it- everything about it, I really do. So when I heard Ragnarok Odyssey was coming to North American Vitas, I was naturally really excited!!

There seems to be so much in the games department for me right now, it's really exciting (and hard to wait for it all!). Thursday, Team Fortress 2's new mode, Mann vs Machine is released~ My friends and I are getting back into our TF2 storming days JUST for this new co-op mode! hehe I can't wait! And, not to mention, Guild Wars 2 prelaunch goes up in a week and a half!!! AHHHH!!!!!!! I've been drawing my characters over and over again in sheer excitement! I've been waiting for this game for WAY too long!!

In other gaming news, I'm also really excited for Little Big Planet Vita & Little Big Planet Karting, and not to mention Borderlands 2 which are all coming out in quarter 4 this year (Also, I'm excited for Halo 4 & Dead Space 3 but my boyfriend is the one with the 360, so I have to wait on him for that one haha).

 I'm going to be so broke... my friends and family will practically get socks for Christmas. 